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MMA Chat

This is the place for MMA fans to discuss MMA News, Events, and where MMA fans can give their fight predictions on MMA events.

chat, bellator, #wsof, invicta, news, events, fight, predictions, martial, arts, live, hour, show, rich, davie, podcast

The MMA Standard

MMA News, Updates, Discussion, Fantasy League & Virtual Betting

forum, #wsof, conor, mcgregor, jones, mark, hunt, nick, diaz, t.j., dillashaw, ronda, rousey, wrestling, ultimate, fighter, fight, night, boxing, mixed, martial, arts, fighting, championship, betting, videos, training

Fight Companion Forum

Combat sport discussion such as boxing, kickboxing and MMA.

fight, companion, combat, sport, discussion, boxing, kickboxing, martial, arts, mixed, pride, bellator, #wsof, glory, muay, thai, jitsu, brazilian, judo, karate, sports, fighting

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